Составить по 1 предложению для каждой схемы (7 схем = 7 предложений)


Past Simple

1 схема:

S + V2/ed


2 схема:

Did + S + V1


3 схема:

S + didn't + V1


Future Simple


4 схема:

S + will + V1


5 схема:

Will + S + V1


6 схема:

S + won't + V1


Present Continous


7 схема:



S + is    + not + Ving



V - глагол

V1 - глагол в первой форме

S - подлежащее

Всего 7 маленьких предложений, помогите пожалуйста =)


Ответ дал: postcard
I learned this lesson yesterday in the morning.
Did I close the garage door?
I didn't know that he is studying at this school.
She will try to help us on the exam this Friday.
Will you go to the party tonight?
I won't to clean again after them.
This TV is not working.
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