Мне нужен текст как я провёл своё первое сентября. На английском. Можно без перевода. Текст небольшой 7-10 предложений можно больше.


Ответ дал: Катя02072011
September 1 was leneyku. when I was at home getting ready for tomorrow. In front of a lot. you have to prepare books and notebooks. In the evening, I will congratulate family and friends. So I need to be prepared and learn well. must go to bed early.писала сама
Ответ дал: Катрин1597
On the first of September I was really cheerful,and I had a good mood.I met my classmates after summer holidays,they were glad to see me.About nine a.m we had ruler and after that we had about 3 lessons.After that we went to the cinema,I had many congratulations from my parents and sister.It was the best holiday.
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